Membership of the Order implies a desire for further advancement in Masonic knowledge. Its degrees will be found to amplify the teachings of Craft Masonry within a Christian context. For this reason the candidate must profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith and he will be required, prior to any formal consideration of his candidature, to sign a declaration to this effect. (Extracted from a paper issued by the Supreme Council entitled “What the candidate should know”)
Candidates must be Master Masons for at least one year and be able to produce Clearance Certificates for all the Lodges of which he is, or has been, a member. Those seeking membership from Constitutions outside the Grand Lodge of England should seek advice prior to making application.
On joining the Order, each candidate has conferred on him the 18th Degree. The Intermediate Degrees (4th to 17th) are conferred by name but can be witnessed at demonstrations regularly held.
Again quoting from the Supreme Council paper - As a member of a Chapter the candidate will be invited, over a period of years, to progress through a number of offices in succession (should he so wish) before attaining the Chair, as in other Masonic Orders.
The learning requirements of these offices are minimal. The ritual of the Chair requires more work but it is usually shared so that the demands of the office are reduced and the pleasure of the year enhanced. In the District of Berkshire, those in the Chair of a Chapter are actively encouraged to visit other Chapters to cement the harmony and fraternal union which exists between them.
If these few statements raise your interest and you wish to be among other Freemasons of like thinking, this Order is for you.
By far the most usual way of being introduced to the Order is by invitation from an existing member but, especially if you have not knowingly met a member of the Order, you can express your interest by contacting the District Recorder who will be delighted to introduce you to a Chapter.