RC Overview
What IS IT?
Almost universally known as “Rose Croix”, the Ancient & Accepted Rite has 9 Chapters meeting in the District – which has the same boundaries as the Craft Province.
The District is headed by V∴Ill∴Bro Roy E Stone, 33°, as Inspector General. An Inspector General can appoint a District Recorder to assist him and in our case he is Ill∴Bro Anthony M Rees, 31°
The qualification for becoming a member of this Order is that of being a Master Mason for one year or more and the usual requirement of having two sponsors. If you are already a member, there is no restriction on you inviting your Masonic colleagues to join if they fit the criteria.
What Does It Stand For?
In trying to explain the Order, which amplifies the teachings of morality in a Christian context, and taking into account the space available, we can do no better than to invite readers to read a one-page article by clicking here.
This is an excellent paper written by a very well-known Masonic writer, Matthew Christmas, and his article sums up very well the reasons why Freemasons should, or should not, join the Order.
Readers are more than welcome to make enquiries about the Order in Berkshire – please contact us.